Monday, December 31, 2012

2013. Creative uses with wood chips

My very first post for 2013. Hooray! Did everyone have a great New Year's Eve?
Wood chips (or wood shapes, wood veneers) are a big trend this year and its gonna be big next year. Today I am going to share some creative ways to use them.

Apply rub on's on it. Will look like a nice pattern. (可以用轉印貼紙)

Use as a frame. To make your sticker stands out. (把木質片當做一個框框,把重點框住)

Stamp on it.
The ink I used here is Neon Red by Hero Arts. (在木質片上蓋印)

Use to be part of the title. It's nice to use the wood chips as a part of the title. (把木質片當作標題的一部份)

Apply washi tapes on the wood chips.
Washi tape will definitely give those bold wood chips a new life. :)

Apply some washi tape underneath the wood chips or put wood chips on top of any pattern paper to give a new look.
TFL. Hope you will find this post inspiring.
Stay tuned for more creative uses with wood chips.

Valerie~Love life.

Happy New Year!

This is my last post for 2012. Wish everyone a wonderful and healthy new year.

Valerie~Love life.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

13 things about Project life 2013. 2013年生活記錄的13件事

1. REASON. Find out your reasons. Why you want to start project life? Any particular reasons or any special occasions? Include this list to the album or notebook that you want to use for your project life as a reminder.
2. LIST. List the special occasions throughout the year. Birthdays, anniversaries, family vacations...etc.
3. CAMERA. Start to bring a camera with you. If you have any smart phone that takes good photos, use it anytime and anywhere you can. Those moments you are not paying attention to, can not be reproduce again.
4. REMINDER.Before the end of the day, make a list of things to remind what you did or kid said today.
5. EPHEMERAS. Start collecting small ephemeras ticket stub, kids drawings, boarding passes, notes,...etc and write down when, where with whom in the back. And you can include in your PL later I found those little stuff very meaningful.
6. ENVELOPE. Prepare a medium sized envelope or a page protector in the album. Use this to store the ephemeras you collect.
7. DETAILS. Pay attention to those details like never before. Often times when we are taking photos, we can direct or stage a little bit. But what about those we moments we never pay attention to? Like your children' back when after they say goodbye to you, when children are drawing or writing? ...etc.
8. SOCIAL MEDIA. Take advantage of your Facebook, twitter, Pinterest or any social medias out there you use. Are you always check ins on your FB? You twit anything you find on the Internet? How about to include those timelines in your PL? You will be surprised how much you said or you did.
9. EVENTS. Don't just include big events in your PL. More than likely we will always remember big events during the year. But small details, not always remembered. For example: Grab a cup of coffee with friend?
10. NEW HABIT. Establish a new habit in 2013. Reverse the orders to build your PL pages. You don't need to start with photos in hand. You can start a page with as little or as much as you have. Chances are if you wait to have everything to start, you will never start. Just start a page.
11. YOURSELF. Are you always documenting your children, family or pet? What about yourself? When was the last time you take a photo for yourself? When was the last time you had a girls night out? Your favorite movie? Don't forget to include YOU in your PL.
12.DoNT STOP. If you are late for a few days or even a few weeks. Don't stop. Continue with what you remember or plan? Work on the most recent one and work your way back. This will help to put you back on track.
13. FORMATS. Last but not the least. Whatever format you decide for your PL is all good. A notebook, day planner, Becky Higgins PL line, anything will make your documenting easier or will help you keep up are all good.
Please remember, this supposed to be fun. Not a chore. :p

My Facebook page:

1. 找出自己想要開始作生活記錄的原因,列出來之後把它放在生活記錄冊的第一頁。
2. 開始列出自己今年想要記錄的事項。例如:孩子、家人的生日,結婚紀念日...等等
3. 開始養成帶手機或是相機在身邊的習慣。(如果妳是用智慧型手機可以用手機來記錄今天的重點)
4. 開始在一天結束前,用簡單自己易懂的方式記錄今天發生的事情或是重點。
5. 開始收集小東西 例如:票根 餐廳的名片 登機證...等等,然後在這些小東西背面註明時間、地點跟誰。
6. 為自己準備的小東西準備一個相編保護套或是信封,然後把它固定在相冊或是筆記本
7. 開始替自己或家人留意身邊的小細節 。(送孩子出門上學的背影、孩子寫的畫的作品、孩子說的童言童語、自己喜歡的電影、書...等等
8. 善用自己的臉書作記錄。(妳的打卡、動態都可以幫忙自己留記錄)
9. 不要只記大事件。大事件通常難忘,但是小事情容易隨著時間被淡忘。
10. 不要一開始就想一手抓所有想記錄的事或是照片。先把重點記錄下來,照片可以後補。但是若一直等待自己先把照片準備好,也許感覺就不對了,或是忘記了。
11. 常常幫自己拍照或是寫文字記錄給自己。不管好的或是不好的,都誠實面對,但是不需要給別人看,可以打馬賽克。
12. 這是妳自己的記錄,為自己作不為別人。所以就算晚了幾天沒記錄或是一陣子沒記錄都不要放棄,想到或是有時間在開始。
13. 任何的型式或是記錄方式都非常好,重點是要自己能持續下去。

-Valerie~ love lif.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Have yourself a little Merry Christmas!



I create this fun bokeh images using my iPhone. It's easy peesy.
All you have to do is pointing your camera at the object as you are taking a regular photo. Then point your fingers up in front of your view finder. Click on the screen of your iPhone and let it focus on your fingers. Then quickly remove your fingers and take a photo. Try it. It's really fun. :)
今天在玩我的手機,發現iPhone也可以拍出美麗的聖誕燈散景。我是用iPhone 5.但是我想只要是能用觸控式螢幕來focus的手機都可以。 拿出手機然後對準object,就像要拍照那樣。然後用手指或其他物品放在手機跟聖誕燈的中間。用手機去focus手指或物件,然後快速移動手指並按下快門。妳可以試試看,蠻好玩的。
Merry Christmas to all of you.
Valerie~Love life.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

2012. December Daily Day 17

2012. December Daily Day 17

Finally remember to snap our stockings. ^^
The left one is hubby's stocking. It made by my dear MIL back when he was a kid. Super priceless. The middle one is Doggis's. we can't put anything in her stocking before December 25th. Because when she smells it she will bark at it. lol
The right one is mine, of course. I am a big fan of snowman.

終於記得要拍我們的聖誕襪了。左邊的是老公的,是他小時候婆婆手工作的,非常無價的。中間的是小煤炭的,但是我們沒辦法放東西進去,因為她要是聞到,會一直叫,想要看她的禮物。哈哈 右邊的是我,是我最愛的QQ雪人。明天要把這些聖誕襪帶回東岸了,不知道我們的聖誕老公公要給我們什麼驚喜。

Valerie~Love life.

2012. December Daily Day 16

2012. December Daily Day 16
I love everything about Christmas. Not only its part of our religion, but all the fun things you can do with your family and friends. Building and decorating a ginger bread house is one of them. I love to get a kit and build/decorate it by myself. This year, I got a kit from Wilton, because i love the picture on the box and hoping to turn out as well as the photo. How little do I know, that was just a photo. Ha! Even my icing is a disaster, but I am happy. ^^


Valerie~Love life.

Location:Bridgewood Way,Sunnyvale,United States

Sunday, December 16, 2012

2012. December Daily Day 15

2012. December Daily Day 15

I've been wanting to do a holiday family photo for years. But couples like us who has no kids. We have no good reason to do it. But this year, I decided I am going to do it for a just because. And I am glad I did. Even doggie is not being cooperative on this photo. But I still like. And I think We are going to do it ever year from now on. lol

Paper: Very Merry (October Afternoon)
Tag & Badge: Evalicious
Tidbits: Elle's Studio
Love wood chip( Freckled Fawn)
Snowflakes and alphabet wood veneers ( Studio Calico)

2012. December Daily Day 14

2012. December Daily Day 14

I got bored on Friday night when hubby is playing his video game and doggie is sleeping. So I took my camera out to do some experiments. And it turns out I got some good ones I really like. These two are my favorites from that night. Love the Holiday light boken.

On this page I also use the Mix & Match page protector from Simple Stories. And I used the envelope and doily  I got from my DD kit to create a holiday tag. The badges and journaling tag are from Evalicious.

2012. December Daily Day 13

 2012. December Daily Day 13

It's funny that when my favorite Ali Edwards share this on her blog. I did the same thing that morning. I used the mix & match page protector from Simple Stories for my confetti bags.
Then I saw on the three pockets after I insert some embellishments. I left one pocket open for a photo. The photo shown above is the Christmas Wreath I decorated using my Cricut machine and some colorful balls I got from Michael's.

Embellishment: Studio Calico

2012. December Daily Day 12

2012. December Daily Day 12

Our dog loves to cuddle and sleep on our bed with us. Luckily, she doesn't shed and I also keep her nice and clean. It's always nice to have her by our side, especially during the winter. We keep each other warm and cozy. lol

On this page, I cut a piece of vellum paper and sew it on my pattern paper. Before I sew the last time I put some star wood veneers inside.

Paper (Simple Stories)
Embellishments: My mind's eye

2012. December Daily Day 11

2012. December Daily Day 11

On this day, my poor pooch has to go to the vet. :( Not fun!!
She has been leaking her right paw for a while and it starts to bleed. We couldn't find out the reason. So we decide to take her to see the vet.
The vet found a fox tail embedded in her skin. No wonder we can't find or see anything.
And the vet also subscript some pain killers and antibiotics for her. So far it looks like it's healing. And we just have to keep an eye on her and sop her from leaking again. Poor babe.

Paper: Simple Stories
Tag: Crate paper
Elle's Studio

2012. December Daily Day 10

2012. December Daily Day 10

How can you complete a holiday tradition without my favorite red cup A.K.A holiday cup from  Starbucks? I make sure I get it while I still have time. And I also get myself a snowman cookie. Super cute.

Alphabet sticker/thickers (American Crafts )
Tags: Elle's Studio
Stamp: Ali Edwards

2012. December Daily Day 9

2012. December Daily Day 9

Getting together with two of my close friends for a Chinese hot pot. It's perfect for a rainy and cold winter night. We also got some crafting done for a project. ^^ What a happy day.

Paper (Simple Stories)
Badge: (October Afternoon)
Tags: (Elle's Studio)
Ephemera: (Studio Calico)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

2012. Caribbean cruise layout

I did this layout about two weeks ago for an online Facebook club sketch challenge.
It has been raining and being cold in the Bay Area lately. Although i am so ready for the holiday season, but i miss the sun and outdoors so badly. So I decided to create a layout using some photos from our Caribbean cruise trip this April.
Hope this brings some warmth to you. TFL.

Valerie~Love life.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

2012. Hello kitty calendar for 2013

Usually I am not a very girly girl. But when I see my local Michael's has Hello kitty paper pad, paper clips ad some yummy washi tapes. I just had to get them. I got a 12x12 Hello Kitty paper pad at my local Michael's, along with some adorable HK paper clips and washi tapes. I didn't know how to use them for a while. Then I decide I want to see this cute face everyday through out 2013. So I decide to make a calendar
With them. Isn't this adorable? Will posts some more pages for each month shortly.

Supply: Display album Close to my heart
Hello Kitty paper pad by Horizon group USA

Valerie~Love life.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

2012. This year... Mini book

If you didn't start to do Project life this year or for some reason you have to withdraw from it. What about to create a mini book like this to preserve your 2012 beautiful memories. This is a look of my cover, I will update my inside pages later. TFL.

如果妳/你今年沒有時間一起玩Project Life,可是有很多回憶想要收藏的,有沒有考慮作成一本小書珍藏你最美好的2012年呢?這是我的封面,內頁後補。

Valerie~Love life.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

2012. December Daily Day 8

2012. December Daily Day 8 

We finally took our Elf home. And we gave him a name, Bob.I hope Bob will like to be a part of our family. And report to Santa that we are all being very good. lol If you don't know what this Elf is, please check here.

終於在今天把小精靈帶回家囉.這個小精靈我們還給他取名叫做Bob. 希望他會喜歡我們家,並且告訴聖誕老人說我們都很乖.呵呵

這個小精靈其實是一本叫左Elf on the Shelf的書, 書的內容大約是:這個小精靈是聖誕老人派來的小幫手, 家家戶戶都會有他在幫忙聖誕老人監督小孩乖不乖.然後他就會報告給聖誕老人. 所以我們帶他回家來監督小煤炭.呵呵

2012. December Daily Day 7

2012. December Daily Day 7

 Receives a happy mail from Taiwan on this day. I was so excited. Not only she sent one of her beautiful Christmas card to me, she also included a lot of crafting goodies. I am a happy, happy camper.

真的好開心,這一天我收到了一份來自台灣的手作朋友包裹. 裡面不但有一張美麗的手工聖誕卡片,還有一些聖誕節的手作材料耶.真的好開心,我一定會好好使用它們創作出美麗的作品的.謝謝我的聖誕老人 愛你唷~~揪咪~~

Monday, December 10, 2012

2012. how to: A holiday wrap with scoring board

 Happy Monday. I posted this cute holiday wrap over at facebook page. And got some positive feedback. So I decide it's time to challenge myself to share some how tos. I won't call it tutorial, as I know I am not a pro. I just love the spirit of sharing. heehee

哈囉 !希望大家快樂的星期一!! 那天在粉絲頁有po聖誕節的禮物包裝,然後決定來寫一個分享.不敢說是教學,但是拋磚引玉來分享. 呵呵 也為了這篇分享,我也畫了一張示意圖.但是我用的是美式的英吋,所以如果是使用公分的朋友們,還請大家自行斟酌使用囉. 首先把美編紙或是素色的卡紙,裁切成7.5'' X5''. 然後用折線板從橫的開始在0.5'' 1''英吋的地方折線,然後移到4'' 和4.5''的地方再次折線.
Here is my dimension.  Click on image to see the enlarge image. 
I cut the paper to 7.5'' X 5''.

And then I score the paper at 0.5'', 1'' and 4'' 4.5''horizontally.
When I am done, I turn my paper vertically.

And score again at 0.5''

When I am done with scoring. I make a few cuts on my paper according to the dotted line. Before you started to assemble this, you can use any shape of scissor or boarder punch to cut the top off to create some shapes.Then I apply glue on the side of first 0.5''. And also one the bottom. Then you can decorate this with any pattern paper or elements you desire.

You can use this little wrap for chocolate bar, cookies and even a bag of coffee for this holiday season. I hope this is a useful information.

完畢之後把紙張打直,然後在0.5''處折線,之後照著虛線的地方把紙剪開,之後可以用任何形狀的美編剪刀或是punch,把上面剪成自己喜歡的形狀.然後在最邊邊的0.5處用任何膠黏住,然後下面照著組裝盒子的方式黏住. 完成之後可以用任何的美編紙,緞帶或是其他素材作成裝飾.這個包裝不但可以用在聖誕節,生日或是任何節慶都可以使用了.報告完畢,希望大家會喜歡.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

2012. December Daily Day 6

2012. December Daily Day 6

Ever since we set up our tree. I am also excited after dark, so I can plug it in and see the light. One night, while waiting for hubby and doggie to come home. I noticed the lights reflecting on the window. That really makes me feel cozy and happy. Especially, when it gets dark so soon outside.

當我們把聖誕樹裝飾完畢之後,我最喜歡的一天的活動就是,到了晚上把聖誕燈點亮. 有一個晚上我在等老公跟小煤炭回家的時後,無意中看到了聖誕燈在玻璃窗上的倒影,頓時,我感到心裡一股暖意. 尤其是在這的時後,每天都天黑的早,看到聖誕燈就讓人有幸福的感覺.

Friday, December 7, 2012

2012. Holiday happy mail holder

As I am working on my December Daily album, I also make sure I squeeze sometime to work on other holiday related projects.

This is my most favorite time of the year. I love to get the holiday cards from family and friends. So I decide to create a happy mail holder for them. When I get them I put it in the holder.

This project is easy peesy. I use the Sn@p Handmade holiday folder from Simple Stories. And I decorate with the alphabet stickers. I also include some embellishments from my December Daily stack. I really love the result. ^^ Are you making one for your family also?


由於每年年底都會收到家人跟朋友的聖誕卡,所以我決定作了一個happy mail holder,來放這些聖誕卡片。

這個作品非常簡單,我用Simple stories的Sn@p folder的其中一個比較大的來作,然後用我其他的配件去作裝飾。這樣一來每次我收到卡片時,就可以放進去。希望我之後能把這個folder餵的飽飽的。嘻嘻

Valerie~Love life.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

2012.December Daily Day 5

2012.December Daily Day 5
I love to bake, although I am excellent at it. But I do enjoy preparing for the ingredients and the process of waiting while it's in the oven. Before December, I proposed to a good friend of mine, Anita, who is an expert of baking. That we should pair up for holiday cooking project. She will be baking and I can be making crafts for the pastry and taking photos for us. Anita is excellent in Taiwanese style pastry as well as in Western style. As her close friend, I do have to watch how many time I can visit her. lol

我很喜歡烘焙,我也常常做東西吃.但是我烤的東西難登大雅之堂.我的好朋友Anita, 她則是烘焙達人.舉凡台式的麵包,蛋糕,餅乾等等,甚至西方的馬卡龍,法式麵包也難不倒她.身為她的朋友,我是一隻幸福的白老鼠,一路看著她從自己的興趣慢慢變成可以接單,我佩服她對烘焙的熱情和樂於接受挑戰的個性. 除了烘焙之外,她也一路陪著我走過不少的低潮. 如今能回復樂觀的我,她的功勞不小.
12月之前,我央求她陪我一起作我的December Daily,她負責烤東西,我來負責作手工來裝飾餅乾跟拍照. 很開心終於有機會可以跟Anita合作,也希望我們可以激盪出一些火花.

也歡迎大家造訪Anita的粉絲頁. 去感受一下她對烘焙的執著.流口水我不負責喔.哈哈

Paper: MME
Tag: Elle's Studio

2012.December Daily Day 4

2012.December Daily Day 4

We had a girls day out today. The four of us got together in Concord for a very fun day.

As we were there, I asked my girlfriend to take a photo for me laying down on the leaves.
Three of them were telling jokes and teasing me about it. So I can't help but laughing. :) And It turned out this was my favorite shot of that day. We also went to a very good Sushi Buffet for lunch. That restaurant was really good. I'd love to give them 9 hand rolls of 10 as my review.

今天是開心的一天,我們一共有4個因為手作而認識的好朋友,終於在今年快要結束之前有了這麼一天的聚會.雖然那天沒有很多手作,只有笑話跟聊天.而且我們還去吃了好吃的Sushi buffet. 我給他個手捲的評分. 雖然那天很晚才回家,但是我們都是非常開心的.希望我們能常常有機會聚在一起.


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

2012.December Daily Day 3

Ever since we moved to our current home last year. We started to have a real Christmas tree as one of our own family tradition. I just love the smell and the atmosphere with a real tree in the house. We bought different ornaments at different destinations every year on our vacation. Whenever I hang them up, it reminds me every single happy memories from those trip. And I love that. 

Back to the photo, It's always so HARD to post our dog- Shiao Mei Tan(Little Charcoal) in front of the tree. I tried every year, but never find any success. This year, I finally have a friend came over to help me hold the cookie in front of her. And I got this shot. So cute.

從我們去年搬到新家之後,我們就開始了我們的傳統:買真正的聖誕樹. 我很喜歡真正的聖誕樹的味道,


2012. December Daily Day 2

 I include a December Daily Studio Calico die cut into my December Daily album. Looks great with AC's glitter card stock.

On my second day, I pulled out more ornaments from our storage room. And doggie is nosy around the box and sniffing. She is trying to see if there's anything to eat. lol
I thought this picture was really worthy to take. Then I saw the print, I am totally in love.


Here is a close look on my page .

Monday, December 3, 2012

2012. Project life Week 44 to Week 46.

I just realized something terrible today. @@ I might messed up my order for project life.
I actually have two week 40, so this is really should be Week 45 to 47. Ahhhhhhh.

今天才發現我好像有兩週第40週,所以我的順序被我弄混了. 這應該是第45周到47週才對,但最近太忙還是找的時間在把它們改過來好了.

 Project life Week 44 /生活紀錄第44週

Project life Week 45/生活紀錄第45週

 Project life Week 46/生活紀錄第46週

Sunday, December 2, 2012

2012. December Daily Day 1

  (You can click on my image to get a better look.)
Hi all:
Happy Sunday. I am here to post my day 1 page for my December Daily album.
As a family tradition, we got our tree at the tree farm on the first Saturday of December. Luckily,  it's December 1this year. Hooray!!
I combine two December Daily kits this year to create my album. I just love Christmas too much to not get them all. lol

Kit: Studio Calico Ali Edward December Daily kit

Gossamer blue

And some yummy tags from Elle's Studio

Thursday, November 29, 2012

2012. December Daily album cover

 Before (之前)

After (之後)

Supply: Gossamer Blue & Studio Calico December Daily kit.

I am always sharing at my own FB fan page.
Valerie's scrapping world

Love you, doggie.

Made this layout today for a sketch contest that I participate regularly. Since I have so many happy moments and pictures with my lovely pooch. So i decided to use some of my favorites from recently. My dog brought us so much joy and laughs since we took her home almost 6 years ago. we are certainly thankful for all she does for us.

Supply: Sock Hop kit Studio calico
The sweet life tiny tags Elle's Studio

Valerie~Love life.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

2012 pre decorated Christmas printer's tray

I made another Christmas theme printer's tray today. Hubby helped me paint the tray to white on Sunday. And I love the result.

Here is the original tray.

And this is what I did. Love it. Can't wait to put some holiday photos and hang it on the wall. ^^ TFL.

The paper is from Very Merry & Christmas This & That collection. Super adorable Christmas collections. And the tidbits are from Elle's Studio. Love them a lot.

Valerie~Love life.

Monday, November 26, 2012

2012. Christmas Count down calendar

Created this adorable Christmas count down calendar. I am loving it. I use a lot of yummy papers from Echo Park Very Merry collection. And the date stickers are from Kaiser Craft. It turns out so cute together. TFL.

Valerie~Love life.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

2012. My 2nd published project.

I am still happy to see my 1st being published. See here.

And then I got  an email from Northridge publishing showing this  magazine being available for purchase. I knew my mini album is featuring in this issue. I was so thrilled to get picked by them. I love crafts, there's no questions about it. I didn't think myself as being creative. But being published in those magazines, makes me feel good about myself.

I have to thank my dear hubby for always being there for me and give me full support. I thank my dog being the sweetest and cutest. Please stop by and say Hi when you see my project at this issue.

How to order: Create: Mini Album